Chaos and Creation

"There is a long way between chaos and creation..." ~ Paul McCartney "Fine Line"

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Friday, February 10, 2006


I didn't really realize how much I enjoyed the winter break until school started again. Don't get me wrong...I love going to school...It's just...I hate writing essays, lol. We've been back in session a grand total of 4 weeks and my first essay is due. I suppose that wouldn't be so bad save the fact that my English Comp II class is on Saturday so we only meet once a week. It just seems like we started in on the first essay as soon as we got into the class. So here I am blogging, when I really should be writing an essay. I really love to write but an essayist I am not.

I think the problem has to do with this teachers writing process. We've got to freewrite and then focus freewrite and then do a Pro/Con chart...then outline, draft, edit, revise....BLAH! I've already spent over 6 hours with this paper and I've not even gotten a manuscript! Each step along the way must be documented (read: has to be turned in) so I totally feel like I'm writing for no reason. I'm used to sitting down and plunking out a first draft...handing that in...and then cleaning it up for a final copy. This writing process is for the damn birds, lol.

Anywho... 'nuff of the rant... I've got a paper to write... oh the joy. :D


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