Chaos and Creation

"There is a long way between chaos and creation..." ~ Paul McCartney "Fine Line"

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Thursday, February 16, 2006

Pinhole Cameras

YAY! I'm so psyched! I got an A on my pinhole camera project!!!! I was amazed! Woohoo! I'm not terribly pleased with them but they are growing on me. The more I look at them the better I like them, lol. I'm going to post them and add a little discription to them. But before anyone busts me up too bad ( :D ) there's a shot of the actual "camera" I made to take them. It's just a card board box (actually a puzzle box) with a hole cut in the front and piece of brass shim stock taped to it. There's a itty-bitty pin hole punched in the shim stock that allows the light to get in. Then we would shoot onto light sensitive to get a "negative" and contact print the negative to get the positive. they are....enjoy! (I think... :-P )


Blogger Tracy Blankenship said...

how cool...I made one of those in my class a lonnngggg time ago, lol! Great job!

2/16/2006 8:47 PM  

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