I had Sponsor LOs due in for RAK (with more coming up, Rachel is cracking the whip for April ;) ) plus getting together a prize for Scrapper's Spotlight and working on journaling ideas for the journaling chat/challenge with Michele. I went in to Avery's preschool to help all the little ones plant some sunflower seeds. TJ had a speech evaluation (he's toppling the Denver scales, lol.) I've been in the dark room every spare second trying to get my first 35 mm project completed. And dear Josh has started a second job recently. I tease him that he had to take it to support my photog habit..but we really did need the money...it will help greatly. I'm WAAAAAAAAY behind on my scrapping projects (the chicks life album has fallen by the wayside for the moment, and I'm barely keeping up with Tania's album of Mom's Advice.) So much to do and so little time. At least I don't need that much sleep. :-P All that and we're trying to dodge the nasties that are buzzing around Ohio right now. One of Avery's friends from preschool got strep throat and scarlet fever back to back. Jacob, that I babysit for, had RSV. And practically everyone you meet has got either a sniffle or a cough.
Anyway...perhaps I'll be able to get my Mom's Advcie LOs up while the kiddokies are down for their naps.
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