Chaos and Creation

"There is a long way between chaos and creation..." ~ Paul McCartney "Fine Line"

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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things about Chrissy

1. My middle name is Diane.

2. I obsessed over my sons' middle names (they have the same
exact number of letters and sylables.)

3. I desperately want to add some pink to our family.

4. I'm a pre-nursing student.

5. I'm working for a Master's Degree in Midwifery.

6. I love to scrapbook...digitally of course.

7. I'm an only child.

8. I claim my cousins son, you'll see him refered as my nephew.

9. I don't think I could function without my cable modem. ;-)

10. I still color in coloring books, and NOT "just with the kids."

11. My first car was a 1988 Buick Le Sabre.

12. My right earlobe is shaped like the top side of a heart.

13. I have a freckle on the middle knuckle of my right hand.

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