Chaos and Creation

"There is a long way between chaos and creation..." ~ Paul McCartney "Fine Line"

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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things about Chrissy

1. My best friend is a Texan.

2. I have a 3.736 grade point average.

3. I haven't scrapped anything I've been happy with in a week.

4. My nickname is Boo-Boo. (And NO I wasn't an "accident.")

5. My tongue is pierced.

6. I have all the sweetheart notes my hubby worte me in highschool.

7. My first crush was on the Fonz from the TV show Happy Days.

8. I don't pine after Fonzie anymore but I am sweet on Alton Brown.

9. I love Neutella.

10. I have a very short attention span (we're talking minutes here) except when it comes to a good book.

11. I still read Harlequins.

12. I run a home based business.

13. I'm a huge Beatles fan...especially Paul McCartney.

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