Chaos and Creation

"There is a long way between chaos and creation..." ~ Paul McCartney "Fine Line"

Disclaimer: The rants, raves, and posted anecdotes found on this site are the personal views of the author (one very opinionated Gemini) and may or may not be representative of the mainstream. Any reseblance of the aforementioned to coherent thought is strictly coincidental. If you are offended by bitching, musing, art work, photographs, mother's who brag about their kids, or the occasional lyrical reference, please exit this blog immediately. If you choose to continue, happy reading...But if, at any time, you become offended, PLEASE exercise your right to leave.

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Friday, September 22, 2006

Ack! Has it really been that long?!

I have know idea why I feel the need to come on here and be apologetic. It's not like the internet ceases to function when I don't blog. My lack of entries seems to point to a lack of things to say which is far from the case. I've been so busy since the beginning of August, it's not even funny.

First I had Shutterbugs camp at Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens which went alright I suppose. We had a lot of boys in the class...Two of which happen to be sons of professional photographers. The first day when I got home I swore I wouldn't go back for the second, the kids were so bad (well mostly those two boys, but then the rest of the boys felt the need to join in.) But I did go back and the second day went better. The 3 other consolers and I came up with a more organized schedule and that helped things. There are a few pics below. I still have a roll of film I need to get developed with the butterfly exhibit on it. And there's no pics of the kids that were there on here since I won't put up pics of other peoples kids without permission. (Sorry about the big ugly copyright...I'm probably being presumptuous but I thought these turned out rather well and I wanted to put the logo somewhere where it wouldn't be easily removed.)

Then after that mess was over we started in on follow-ups for TJs surgery. I'm happy to say the child hears perfectly. Dr. Nelson released him for 6 months, then he has to go back and check to see if the tubes are still in place. Tristan also had a speech evaluation with Help Me Grow. According to that evaluation, he is speaking at or above a 2 year old level. So he's right on target. He's comprehending at about 48 months (4 years or Avery's age) and his physical development is around that same level. (YAY TJ!!!)

By that time we were nearing the end of August and it was time for me to get back to school. This term I'm taking just three classes but two of them involve labs. I'm taking Anatomy & Physiology, Intro to General, Organic, and BioChemistry, and Sociology. A & P and GOBC require 3 hour laboratory sessions. We're coming up on mid term (can you believe it?!) and I'm having a lot of exams and papers coming due.

Then Avery started back to school on Sept. 5. We had a rocky start but things seem to be getting better now. He's enjoying class (in fact today he was Miss Roberta's "Special Class Helper") but doesn't like having to be away from me. I've started letting him stay up for one hour after TJ goes down for nap and he and I do something fun. (Picture of craft projects forthcoming, lol.)

Anywho...Speaking of Avery...It's about time I got TJ ready to go get Avery from school. Watch for some layouts later. Oh and Dad? See that little link down there that says "Comments"? You can click that and leave some, you know. ;)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I made a comment on everything that you wrote, than you would know that I read this all the time, ha,ha.
Love, Yogi.

9/30/2006 12:02 PM  

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