Chaos and Creation

"There is a long way between chaos and creation..." ~ Paul McCartney "Fine Line"

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Friday, September 22, 2006

Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens : Akron, Ohio : Bridge Over Lagoons

Back behind the main part of the grounds there is a wooded area. When the Siberling family orginally built the house on the property they found massive stone quarries back in these woods. (Which coincedently is where the name Stan Hywett came from...It means Stone Quarry in Old English and is actually pronounced "He-witt".) The family had the quarries mined so they could use the stone in the buildings. Then they backfilled the empty quarries with water which made a series of lagoons on the back of the property. You wouldn't want to by the way it looks in this shot, but the Siberlings actually swam here in the summer.

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