Chaos and Creation

"There is a long way between chaos and creation..." ~ Paul McCartney "Fine Line"

Disclaimer: The rants, raves, and posted anecdotes found on this site are the personal views of the author (one very opinionated Gemini) and may or may not be representative of the mainstream. Any reseblance of the aforementioned to coherent thought is strictly coincidental. If you are offended by bitching, musing, art work, photographs, mother's who brag about their kids, or the occasional lyrical reference, please exit this blog immediately. If you choose to continue, happy reading...But if, at any time, you become offended, PLEASE exercise your right to leave.

REMEMBER.... Don't like it?!

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Lilypie 3rd Birthday PicLilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Friday, March 31, 2006

Summer Class Cut and Community Service

OK time for another update. How about the school front...

After a long drawn out ordeal with the financial aid department I found out that the summer aid program offered is actually a deferment of the aid from my Fall 06/Spring 07 semesters. After a lengthy explanation they fessed up that freshmen (first year or returning) are only eligible to received $2365 in aid money for each of the two yearly semesters. What does that mean I asked? That means that if I elect to differ my payment of $2365 to cover summer class expenses (which consequently were $2400) then whatever money I use from my Fall 06/Spring 07 aid package towards the summer classes won't be reimbursed. Clear as mud, right? What they were really saying was if I use the deferment to cover my summer classes then I will have to pay for part of each of the remaining years semesters out of pocket. I can't afford to do that, as my spring class this term were around $3500 (the gap between the tuition charge and the $2365 in loan payment was covered by State sanctioned grants.) Obviously if I spend the $2400 now I won't have it to cover tuition later. So, summer classes are, unfortunately, out. I did get an interesting email from the Arts Department today, though.

What I initially thought (by the wording of the email) was an opportunity for U of A photography students to spend a week at Stan Hywet Halls and Gardens photographing the grounds, turned out to be not as such. What they ARE looking for are students to volunteer hours of community service to teach groups of 11-14 year olds how to take pictures in a week long "camp." I'm totally in for this. I've already made the arrangements for the boys to stay with my mom and am waiting on confirmation with the coordinator for my involvement. There's no pay involved but the community service will look good on my student record, no matter what field I go into. And the long range outlook is good as well; if the camp is repeated I can come back to lend a hand again. The "camp" begins on July 31 and runs 9 am to 4 pm until August 4. I'm totally psyched!

Monday, March 27, 2006

March RAK Sponsors

These three LOs were are my contribution to the March RAK Newsletter. We had some awesome sponsors last month (as always) and the kits were just so much fun to work with. TFL, as always!

AJ and TJ March 2005

March 06 RAK Sponsor: Pixel Expressions.
Kit: Blooming Hearts by Sandy Drieschner; Basic Pixel Window Set Template D by Pixel Expressions. All elements and words included in Blooming Hearts Kit

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Avery September 18, 2003

March 06 RAK Sponsor: Fish Scraps

Kit: Little Man by Carrie Fisher

Fonts: POTHStampedIrregular (Pages of the Heart), AdrienneKinsberg (DaFont), Arial (Microsoft), Honey I Stole Your Jumper (DaFont)

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AJ at his first birthday party.

March 06 RAK Sponsor: DigiScrapz

Kit: BirthdayZ

Fonts: POTHStampedIrregular (Pages of the Heart), Brandon (Corel), My Handwriting Print (done with a fine art preset on PSP 9 and my Graphire Tablet)

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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Spring Break

It's HERE! Finally! I can't wait to catch up on all the things I needed to do while I was doing my homework! (First I better to the homework they assigned for Spring Break, lol.) I'm looking forward to being able to tuck my kiddos in again. I never got home in time with school.

Avery is still in school. His break isn't until Good Friday, so we won't be able to spend the day together like he hoped. Poor Beaners.

I'm looking forward to unpacking the new Sponsor Kits I'm supposed to be working with. And getting some digi pics of my kids. I've been falling behind in that department. It's been tough since I started the photog class. My point and shoot feels sooooooooo limiting after learning how to operate the 35mm. I'm hoping I can scrimp together the cash to get my Digital Rebel but I'm not holding my breath.

What else? Today's been a loooooooong ass day. Classes seemed to drag by. The rest of the campus was already off for break, but we still had to meet for Ethics and English. That left me with 2 papers, 1 extra credit assignment, my photography project, chemistry worksheets, and my pre-lab to get done before we return from break. Ah, well. Least I've got a week off, lol.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things about Chrissy

1. My best friend is a Texan.

2. I have a 3.736 grade point average.

3. I haven't scrapped anything I've been happy with in a week.

4. My nickname is Boo-Boo. (And NO I wasn't an "accident.")

5. My tongue is pierced.

6. I have all the sweetheart notes my hubby worte me in highschool.

7. My first crush was on the Fonz from the TV show Happy Days.

8. I don't pine after Fonzie anymore but I am sweet on Alton Brown.

9. I love Neutella.

10. I have a very short attention span (we're talking minutes here) except when it comes to a good book.

11. I still read Harlequins.

12. I run a home based business.

13. I'm a huge Beatles fan...especially Paul McCartney.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

Creative Drought

Uhh...I hate it when this happens. I'm stuck in the clutches of another creative drought. I just can't seem to get out anything that I like. I've done two or three pages and I end up trashing them because I can't stand the way that they look. I'm even having a hard time doing my photography assignment...I'm so blocked up. I need to get a move on...I've got sponsor LOs that are going to be due soon. It's just...blllleeeech. Nothing looks right. Send me some creative vibes somebody, please?!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Tristan has really been talking up a storm the last few weeks. It amazes me how easily the whole language thing is coming to him, after seeing Avery struggle with it. I know that they're different kids but it's odd to see TJ using two word combinations at an age where Avery was yet to say his first word. So far I think TJ has got close to 25 words.

Mama, Dada, Nana, Papa (The obvious ones.)
AA-Vee (Avery)
Uzzie (Grandpa Fuzzie)
ishie (fish)
Moo (milk)
Ohs (cheerios)
Nah (noggin)

Wow that's more than I'd thought. He's got 30 if you count Mama, Dada, etc. And at just 20 months. I think at 20 months Avery had JUST learned Mama and Nana...and that was it. I'm totally amazed.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things about Chrissy

1. My middle name is Diane.

2. I obsessed over my sons' middle names (they have the same
exact number of letters and sylables.)

3. I desperately want to add some pink to our family.

4. I'm a pre-nursing student.

5. I'm working for a Master's Degree in Midwifery.

6. I love to scrapbook...digitally of course.

7. I'm an only child.

8. I claim my cousins son, you'll see him refered as my nephew.

9. I don't think I could function without my cable modem. ;-)

10. I still color in coloring books, and NOT "just with the kids."

11. My first car was a 1988 Buick Le Sabre.

12. My right earlobe is shaped like the top side of a heart.

13. I have a freckle on the middle knuckle of my right hand.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

35 mm Project #1

Finally...I was able to finish my first 35 mm project. Our assignment was "Light as the Subject" so this was a little bit of a stretch for me. I'm used to seeing people on the other side of the lens. I am very pleased with them, even if I do say so myself. And I'm assuming my photography teacher was pleased as well...I got an A!!!

Many thanks to Leila at RAK for her excellent help; I don't think I would have got the whole f/stop thing without'cha hun! You RAK!!

(And my apologies for the horrible scans on these...I really need to remember to scan before I do my dry-mounting, lol.)

TFL and enjoy!


Terex Rail Bridge: Stow, Ohio

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Masonry Fascade: St. Bernards Church; Akron, Ohio

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Arches: St. Bernards Church; Akron, Ohio

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Pond At Dusk: Turning Wheel Offic Complex; Stow Ohio

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Crossbeam: Brandywine Metro Park; Boston Hills, Ohio

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St. Bernards Church: Akron Ohio

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Icecicles on a Hand Rail: Brandywine Metro Park; Boston Hills, Ohio

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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Scheduling for Summer

Well...the time has come to schedule summer classes. I really wanted to get Microbiology out of the way before I start Intro to Organic/Inorganic Chem next fall. I've been pouring over the schedules and I think I will be able to pull it off and even squeeze in Anatomy/Physiology in the first summer term. The classes run for 5 weeks from May 12-June 17 and I would be in school from 8 am until 3:30 pm 5 days a week. That will be different for me and the boys...not to mention Nana. I'm hoping that she'll be up for this, she's been kinda tired lately. It's taking her a lot longer than she'd like to recover from the chemo. I think she's doing well seeing as it's only been 3 months since her last treatment. I think she's ready to be back to her usual self. And of course all this is contingent on finding the money to take the classes. I can move my aid money up from the fall/spring '07 terms, but then run the risk of not having the funding for those terms. Ahh, the life of a student, lol.


Mom's Advice Album

Wow...I just sort of threw those up there and took off, lol. Drive by blogging. ;-) So...

These are from Tania's Mom's Advice Album Challenge at RAK. Pages 2-4 to be exact. I'm really liking these pages. It's more of a challenge for me to scrap at 4x6 being a large square (12x12) kinda girl. So my creativity is stretched a bit trying to get it all in there. I'm loving the outcome tho. Hopefully mom will too. I'm planning on printing this up for her for mother's day. My photo albums are sure getting a workout with these challenges. :-) If you can't tell....the baby that's about to bite the head off of the duck is Avery just a wee bit before his first birthday. He'll be 4 here, end of next month. How the time flew.

Anyhow...enough of that...enjoy!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Kit: A Retro Kick by Krista Mettler @ ScrapDish
Fonts: FuturaBlackBT, Feltpoint (Corel) and SuzanneQuill (Feb/March Scrapbook Answers Disc)

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Kit: A Retro Kick by Krista Mettler @ ScrapDish
Fonts: Kabel Bk BT(Corel) and SuzanneQuill (Feb/March Scrapbook Answers Disc)

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Kit: A Retro Kick by Krista Mettler @ ScrapDish
Fonts: Brandon (Corel) POTHStampedIrregular (POTH) SuzanneQuill (Feb/March Scrapbook Answers disc.

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Seems I've gone missing for a few weeks. Baaaaaaaad blogger, lol. Anywho. We've been terribly busy and I've not had a minute.

I had Sponsor LOs due in for RAK (with more coming up, Rachel is cracking the whip for April ;) ) plus getting together a prize for Scrapper's Spotlight and working on journaling ideas for the journaling chat/challenge with Michele. I went in to Avery's preschool to help all the little ones plant some sunflower seeds. TJ had a speech evaluation (he's toppling the Denver scales, lol.) I've been in the dark room every spare second trying to get my first 35 mm project completed. And dear Josh has started a second job recently. I tease him that he had to take it to support my photog habit..but we really did need the will help greatly. I'm WAAAAAAAAY behind on my scrapping projects (the chicks life album has fallen by the wayside for the moment, and I'm barely keeping up with Tania's album of Mom's Advice.) So much to do and so little time. At least I don't need that much sleep. :-P All that and we're trying to dodge the nasties that are buzzing around Ohio right now. One of Avery's friends from preschool got strep throat and scarlet fever back to back. Jacob, that I babysit for, had RSV. And practically everyone you meet has got either a sniffle or a cough.

Anyway...perhaps I'll be able to get my Mom's Advcie LOs up while the kiddokies are down for their naps.