Summer Class Cut and Community Service
After a long drawn out ordeal with the financial aid department I found out that the summer aid program offered is actually a deferment of the aid from my Fall 06/Spring 07 semesters. After a lengthy explanation they fessed up that freshmen (first year or returning) are only eligible to received $2365 in aid money for each of the two yearly semesters. What does that mean I asked? That means that if I elect to differ my payment of $2365 to cover summer class expenses (which consequently were $2400) then whatever money I use from my Fall 06/Spring 07 aid package towards the summer classes won't be reimbursed. Clear as mud, right? What they were really saying was if I use the deferment to cover my summer classes then I will have to pay for part of each of the remaining years semesters out of pocket. I can't afford to do that, as my spring class this term were around $3500 (the gap between the tuition charge and the $2365 in loan payment was covered by State sanctioned grants.) Obviously if I spend the $2400 now I won't have it to cover tuition later. So, summer classes are, unfortunately, out. I did get an interesting email from the Arts Department today, though.
What I initially thought (by the wording of the email) was an opportunity for U of A photography students to spend a week at Stan Hywet Halls and Gardens photographing the grounds, turned out to be not as such. What they ARE looking for are students to volunteer hours of community service to teach groups of 11-14 year olds how to take pictures in a week long "camp." I'm totally in for this. I've already made the arrangements for the boys to stay with my mom and am waiting on confirmation with the coordinator for my involvement. There's no pay involved but the community service will look good on my student record, no matter what field I go into. And the long range outlook is good as well; if the camp is repeated I can come back to lend a hand again. The "camp" begins on July 31 and runs 9 am to 4 pm until August 4. I'm totally psyched!