Chaos and Creation

"There is a long way between chaos and creation..." ~ Paul McCartney "Fine Line"

Disclaimer: The rants, raves, and posted anecdotes found on this site are the personal views of the author (one very opinionated Gemini) and may or may not be representative of the mainstream. Any reseblance of the aforementioned to coherent thought is strictly coincidental. If you are offended by bitching, musing, art work, photographs, mother's who brag about their kids, or the occasional lyrical reference, please exit this blog immediately. If you choose to continue, happy reading...But if, at any time, you become offended, PLEASE exercise your right to leave.

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

4 Year Old Humor

Tonight, the boys and I went out to eat with Nana and Papa. After eating a substansial meal, Avery looked at the one half of a chicken finger and three fries left on his plate.

Avery: "Mommy...I'm so full...Look at my belly." (Pokes his belly through his shirt.)

Me: "Yeah I see...I guess you are full. You don't have to finish your chicken and fries."

Avery: "Thanks, cuz I'm really, really full."

A few minutes later, Tristan cleaned his plate and announced that he wanted "eye ceam" (that's ice cream for those of you that don't speak 2 year old.)

Me: "OK TJ we'll go get you some ice cream."

Avery: "Mommy, I want some ice cream."

Me: "I thought you were full?"

Avery: "I'm always hungry for ice cream!"

I'd have to agree...Jello? Hell no...There's always room for ice cream.

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Friday, July 21, 2006

Unanswered Prayers

Just thought I'd put this up here really fast. Since my SIL had her baby I've been thinking a lot about having another...not that we can right now...but it would be nice. ;-) So, I suppose this LO came from that. I've always felt guilt over the desire I had for a little girl when I was pregnant with Tristan. While I still want a little girl, (I feel that our family could never truly be complete without one) I feel that I've grown a little through this journey. I know that I can go on when my plan's go awry, lol, no matter how massive or trivial they may be.

This LO was inspired by the song Unanswered Prayers by Garth Brooks. In the lyrics he's talking about running into his highschool sweetheart, now that he's older and more mature..not to mention married to another. He realizes that because his dreams to be with this woman didn't come to fruition, he was able to meet his wife, and make the good life he knows with her. This reminds me of TJ. While I prayed for a little girl, I would never have had the joy of knowing Tristan had that little girl arrived. And each day, I thank the good Lord for not answering that paticular prayer.


Fonts: AL Aunt Marie & AL Cadence


Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers...
When Daddy and I found out that our second child was on the way, I began to pray. How strongly I felt, the mother's sixth sense, an intuition, that a little girl would complete our family. I prayed each day, for a calm, peaceful existence; one free from turmoil, and strife, so that our little girl could mature in the sanctuary within me; and know the loving sound of her family's voices. I prayed to God that my intuition was right. For twenty-two weeks I remained peacefully pregnant, and despite the morning sickness, I tried to rest and fill my days with relaxing moments. Quiet walks with Daddy. Stories about magical places with your brother. Lunch with your Nana. And , I prayed. Into your twenty-third week we journeyed...faced with an ultrasound that would change my existence. My intuition had been wrong. God hadn't answered my prayers. How could this be? Another boy? Oh, the betrayal I felt, not towards God, but towards your brother. How could I betray him so badly as to bring another little boy into our world. My plan involved two children, a boy and a girl, a matched set. How naive I was to think there couldn't be room for another.

Resolved to the new plan for me, I prayed to God. Familiar words taught to me by your Nana, to bring the peace and the light back in....God, grant me the serenity, to except the things I cannot change...the courage to change the things I can...and the wisdom to know the difference. And the peace came, and flowed through me. I knew that I was scared...that I'd spent over half of my pregnancy preparing for someone you weren't. And I prayed discover the someone that you were. The day came, you came to us, and I looked into your big blue eyes, full of the peace and light I'd prayed to be bestowed on my child, and I felt my heart swell with the joy of you. And then and there I thanked God for the gifts in my life...for the unanswered prayers...because if my prayers had been answered...I wouldn't have the joy of knowing you.

So, my sweet little boy...when you think you've found your heart's desire...and you pray for the strength to help it happen...just remember...

Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. -Garth Brooks "Unanswered Prayers"


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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A Buch of What Nots...

An odds and ends post...

TJ- Tristan is doing well. He's up and mobile (like we didn't all know he would be, lol) and into absolutely everything. I swear, from the beginning you never would have known he'd had surgery...well you wouldn't have known if you'd not seen him in the hospital in the pictures below. Avery came home Sunday (after an extended stay with my mom to allow time for TJ to rest) and thus ended Tristan's stint on the couch. He's been up and raring to go ever since. He's making marked improvements in the speech department, and although we've not had another official hearing test I'm seeing signs that he's hearing more clearly. Last night Josh and I were watching TV while the kids were being slow to finish their dinner. All of a sudden TJ started screaming and laughing and pointing to the window. Low and behold about 5 minutes later the ice cream truck came down the street. Our only explination is that he heard the melody from the truck long before we could see it out the window. Mind you this is comming from a kid that never acknowledged the sound before.

Avery- Avery is recovering from being throughly spoiled at Nana's. He seems to be looking forward to school...and Halloween, lol. How do you explain to a four year old that you'd prefer not to rush the holidays?! They come fast enough on their own. Anywho...He wants to be a pirate (perhaps because of Mommy and Daddy's new interest in Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest? Could be, lol.) He got an inflatable sword out of a McDonald's Happy Meal while he was with Nana and he got to watch Peter Pan. Now he's running through the house swashbuckling the furniture and telling Tristan he must "Walk the pwank!"

TV- Yes being shut in with a sick toddler necessitates a what not about TV. Does anyone watch House, M.D.?! OMG!! I love this show. First handsome is Hugh Laurie?! And he's English besides...wouldn't know from that whiskey over gravel voice on the show, lol. Just too much. Alot of people are like "But he's just such an ass!" But its SOOO much fun to watch him be one! Oh and then I've also been watching So You Think You Can Dance?...Now...Im' not usually a reality TV person. I don't like American Idol and I've never watched at any reality show for more than just a minute before I loose interest. That being said I'm a dance junkie. I'll watch the Ballroom Championships on PBS for hours. So when I saw SYTYCD? I was interested but skeptical. WOW! These people can dance. And Benji?! Man...too cute. He's just awesome and if he doesn't win I will be very surprised. Damn...alright I've giving away enough of my geekdom, lol.

New LO- So I've been super busy with TJ but right before his surgery I did have to put in my Sponsor LOs. Here are a couple (really just two, lol) that I was pleased with.

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Kit: Refreshing Paisley by SaraAMarie @ 3Scrapateers.

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Kit: Carefree Kit by SaraAmarie @ 3Scrapateers. Paper tear from Rustic by Erika Tenney @ Timeless Memories.

Fonts: MA Sexy & Girls Are Weird obtained at DaFont.

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Just a quick note and then some photos to relay an update on Tristan. Surgery yesterday, while an experience deffinately preferred to NOT be repeated, was a sucess. TJ is already hearing better and speaking clearer (is that a word?!) He is in some pain, but the meds they gave him are handling that. So all is well on the homefront. I'll be back soon when he goes for another nap. In the mean time here are some photos...

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Leaving for Children's: All dressed and ready to leave for the hospital. Our journey begins. :-)

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Snuggles: Big hugs from dad after a blood draw and vitals check.

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If You Knew What Was Comming...: TJ playing in the waiting area in cap and scrubs. He was next for surgery.

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Oh So Sad: Our sweet little Beatle in recovery after the surgery.

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Movie Magic: TJ enjoying some "Nemo Therapy." Wathcing Finding Nemo on Momma's laptop turned movie theater.

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Morphine High: This is the dazed and confused look TJ sported most of the night yesterday. The morphine was super strong for him, but he developed a mild allergic reaction to it, giving him the "itchies."

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Backer Board: This little hand was the source of much distress. TJ was alright with the IV, but he sure wanted them to let him out of the backer board they had taped to his hand.

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Ice Cream Headache: As if TJ wasn't in enough pain, they brought him some orange sherbet and he took a big bite, earning an ice cream headache for his efforts.

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Get Me Out of Here!: They wheeled TJ to the car in a wagon. Though he looked more than ready to leave he actually was crying because we had to turn off Finding Nemo and pack up the laptop to go. Around 7:00 pm Tues. 7/11/06

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"Buddy" to Surgery: One just for fun, this is TJ's "Buddy" in his OR cap, all set for surgery.

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Monday, July 10, 2006


Oh man...I can't sleep. Again. I've had insomnia for weeks now. It seems like its 3 or even 4 in the morning before I even begin to get a little sleepy and then when I try to lay down...well the Serta counting sheep could find a job at my house. I even tried those damn Tylenol PM. Yeah that worked ::rolls eyes::...All they did was make my muscles dead. So I was wide awake, fully completely conscious...but I could hardly move any of my muscles. I couldn't even speak my muscles were so relaxed. Needless to say I won't be doing that again.

What else is new since I'm here?

TJ goes in on Tuesday for surgery. I feel like a terribly cruel mother for sending him so close to his birthday. But I needed to get it over with before I went back to school. That would have left Josh to deal with cranky pants kiddo and that doesn't go over well. He's having tubes put in his ears (which will definitely help with the ear infections..and will hopefully help with the falling down all the time) and then having his adnoids and tonsils removed (this will hopefully help with colds in general and perhaps a tad with his asthma by relieving some swelling around his airway.) I'm SOO scared. They have to put him under general anesthesia for the procedures and that terrifies me. My family doesn't do well under general, and with his asthma so bad it really frightens me to think about him being put under.

Send us a thought if you have a minute on Tuesday.

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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Burdaa Caick

As you can see by the ticker up there our little chunk turned 2 on the 6th. We had a party for him today. He's delighted. He got several balloons and one large cardboard box. Of course the large Rock,Roll, and Ride Tricycle that produced that big old box and balloons is now forgotten. Poor Nana, lol. She thought he'd at least play with it for a few minutes. Must have been the 45 minutes it took me to put the damn thing together. Some assembly required my tush.

Before the party Mister Tristan decided to shock us all by learning a new set of words. I left here around noon to go and pick up the cake for the party. TJ picked out the Sesame Street cake the other night at BJs when we ordered. Before I left I told him and Avery I was going to pick up his birthday cake. When I got home Tristan was at the door waiting on me.

"Buuuuuuuurdaa Caaick!" (LOL Perhaps if I spell it phonetically you'll be able to hear it in your mind.)

For over an hour until the guests arrived Tristan ran up and down the hallway SCREAMING "Burdaa Caick!" at the top of his little shreiker lungs. After awhile Avery materialized from the realm beyond the noise.

Avery: "Man Mommy, Tristan is loud."

Me: "Yup he sure is. He's just excited. He wants to eat birthday cake."

Avery: "Yea. I'm going to lay down in my bed. I think I have a head-ick."

Yeah Mommy has a head-ick too. :-P

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Friday, July 07, 2006

4 year old humor

Tonight, on the way home from running errands, Avery spotted the moon. It's not the first time he's seen it, obviously, but he always delights in pointing it out to us while the sun is still up. (Perhaps he's got a little of his daddy's Pagan in him, lol.) Anywho...I replied to his "Look Momma, the moon!!" with an oft-used line...

Avery: "Look Momma, the moon!!"

Me: "That's right, Avery. Say, 'I see the moon and the moon sees me.'"

Avery, puzzled: "Mommy...The moon doesn't have eyes."

Ahhh the smart ass gene is taking hold...I've groomed him well. :-P

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